Grande Hotel Percale Bed Skirt
  • Grande Hotel Percale Bed Skirt
  • Grande Hotel Percale Bed Skirt
  • Grande Hotel Percale Bed Skirt

Grande Hotel Percale Bed Skirt



    Like the crisp, tailored sheeting that graces the finest hotels in the world, our best selling percale bedding is embroidered with double rows of satin stitch woven by our masters in Italy. Create your own five-star, hotel-quality sheet set with our Grande Hotel collection. Finished with a 1-inch plain hem, each bed skirt consists of 3 panels with an inverted pleat mid-panel, plus a set of pins, so it's easily adjustable to fit. Drops up to 18".

    View Grande Hotel Sheets >

    100% Long-staple Cotton, Percale, Made in Italy

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